Operations | OUR Rescue
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1 min read
Nala & the Angry Bird

The following is a firsthand account from Detective Gill of the Seattle Police Department. I have been a Seattle Police Officer for 17 years. It was a natural choice for me; I’ve always had a strong desire to help people in need. Joining the ICAC unit in 2015 felt like…

1 min read
Bulgarian Border Police Putting Donations to Use

Over the last 12 months, the Bulgarian Border Police (BBP) have investigated 31 cases of human trafficking and assisted numerous individuals using technical equipment and vehicles that were donated by OUR Rescue. So far, 14 of the cases have been presented for prosecution, while investigations are ongoing in nine others.

1 min read
Operation RIOMAR

In Spain, officials say that 14 women were being forced into commercial sex work after suspected traffickers used elderly caregiver job offers to lure the women to the country.  Traffickers reportedly forced the women to be available 24 hours a day and live in extremely unsanitary conditions. When they were…

Operation Wonky
1 min read
Operation Wonky

A bar owner was reportedly offering free accommodations, water, and electricity to attract new employees. After placing himself in a position of increased power, he reportedly encouraged six vulnerable hires to engage in sex work. Of these females, five were minors.   The vigilant OUR Rescue team in Asia used information…

ESD k9 Boone with handler
1 min read
ESD K9 Boone

An Illinois man is alleged to have secretly recorded his stepdaughter and other family members by using a camera that was disguised as a screw. Police say Timothy Mol, 45, placed the camera in a switch plate – the small piece of plastic that surrounds a light switch – on…

Our Rescue Operator standing in front of computer.
1 min read
Operation Los Cabineros

In Peru, it has been reported that two men worked together to create and distribute Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) of boys between 8-10 years old.  One of the suspects operated an internet center on the first floor of his home. With video games available to be played, this gave…

1 min read
Operation Snow White

In Thailand, a woman allegedly began trafficking a 13-year-old on her first day of work at a karaoke bar. For six days, the minor was reportedly exploited to provide business clients with the specific sexual services they desired. OUR Rescue operators became suspicious of criminal activity at the bar and…

Rosco the dog
2 min read
More Than a Dog: Rosco’s Impact

Dogs are often described as “man’s best friend” because they provide unconditional love to their families and those around them.  Rosco, a 2-year-old labrador retriever, fits that description perfectly. However, he is no ordinary dog. He works to keep children safe by fighting back against predators seeking to sexually exploit…

1 min read
Is Human Trafficking Happening in the United States?

Human trafficking is happening all over the world and the United States is no exception.

2 min read
The Connection Between War and Human Trafficking

As the Russian war continues in Ukraine, the threat of trafficking exploits grows.

4 min read
How O.U.R. Went Undercover In One Of The Largest Anti-Trafficking Operations In Dominican Republic History

Responding to a request for assistance from the Dominican government’s Specialized Anti-Trafficking Police (PETT), O.U.R. Operators went undercover to confirm the existence of multiple transnational trafficking rings. These networks were reportedly dedicated to recruiting young women, between 15-23 years of age, to be sexually exploited for financial gain.

8 min read
How the O.U.R. Operations Team Grew From One Man To A Worldwide Anti-Human Trafficking Unit

The darkness of human trafficking is widespread across the globe, requiring the collaboration of law enforcement and anti-trafficking organizations to come together to combat the issue.

9 min read
Q&A With Undercover Idaho Police Officer

Once Sgt. Kuoha realized how common these sorts of crimes and online enticement were, even in his small jurisdiction, he and his team were determined to teach the predators a lesson.

3 min read
How O.U.R. and Jordan Detection K9 Are Putting ESD Detection K9s Across the Nation

What started with one dog has grown into a nationwide task force of K9s, all helping law enforcement fight against human trafficking and child exploitation.

1 min read
6 Forms of Human Trafficking & Exploitation (and How OUR Fights to End Each One)

Child sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 U.S. States. Read the most common forms of trafficking & exploitation.