Operations | Bringing rescue to every corner of the world
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Dismantling Sex Trafficking and Rescuing Survivors


Our Rescue operators champion the efforts of domestic and international law enforcement agencies. They also help identify, intervene, and dismantle trafficking networks. These strategic collaborations prioritize the rescue and protection of survivors, aid in the prosecution of predators, and deliver justice while restoring hope.

predators arrested
survivors supported
operations supported
A group of operators goes over laptops and cell phones
Going Incognito

Through advanced digital forensics and intelligence gathering, Our Rescue operators identify victims and work with Our Rescue Survivor Care teams to anticipate needs.

The Work
How We Partner with International Law Enforcement Agencies
Undercover work and intelligence gathering
Identification of people who have experienced sex trafficking and exploitation
Assistance with rescue operations and survivor care
Evidence gathering to aid in prosecution

How We Partner with U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies


We develop relationships with law enforcement agencies, and we amplify their anti-sex trafficking and child exploitation efforts by providing critical resources.

United States Stats
U.S. law enforcement agencies supported in all 50 states
Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) K9s sponsored in 36 U.S. states, with 8 placed internationally
Learn More
U.S. states supported

Law Enforcement Officers:

Contact Our Rescue to learn how we support agencies in the United States.

Trained K9s in electronic storage detection (ESD) to track evidence that traffickers attempt to hide
Specialized training for law enforcement
Essential tools for digital forensics
Equipment donations

How You Can Support Rescue Missions