Survivor Care

Alejandro is a 12-year-old boy in Latin America who was born with a severe disability and epilepsy, facing unimaginable challenges from the start. His condition from birth left him with limited mobility, and his early years were marked by both physical and emotional abuse. Devastatingly, Alejandro was also trafficked, which…

Unbound Now is a global organization with a mission to end human trafficking through prevention, professional training, and survivor advocacy. With a presence across Texas, Louisiana, and several other cities worldwide, Unbound Now is committed to fostering collaboration between communities, law enforcement, and government agencies to create lasting change. The…

At OUR Rescue, we are deeply committed to not only ensuring rescues and arrests but to also helping secure justice for survivors. In early July, an OUR Rescue Survivor Care manager was waiting to testify as an expert witness for a baby trafficking case in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are grateful…

Flora was trafficked when she was 11 years old by a local gang in her hometown that was run by a judge. This was her life for two years before O.U.R. intervened.

In a joint effort by the Hellenic Police, the Spanish National Police, INTERPOL, Our Rescue, A21, and Homeland Security Investigations, 22 individuals were apprehended.

We stand with survivors of human trafficking and exploitation in their healing journey. With your support, we can continue to provide survivors with invaluable tools they need to heal and thrive.

Susie supported herself financially by braiding hair. She went door to door selling her services to locals in her hometown in East Africa. She had been toiling away in her small hometown, feeling trapped by circumstances that she couldn’t control. That’s when a chance encounter with a European man changed…

Discussing the relationship between mental illness and human trafficking can help create an environment of understanding of the experiences of survivors, as well as how different mental conditions can affect one’s risk of being trafficked.

“Hailey,” age 9, was swimming in her local community pool down the street from her home in South America when her neighbor, an adult male, approached her.

The “Boy in the Green Shirt” was an investigation that started in Southeast Asia after the police in another country found photos of an unidentified young boy in a green shirt being sexually assaulted. The offender had unique, identifiable physical traits, so local police were able to quickly identify a citizen with matching traits to this alleged offender...

The O.U.R. Aftercare team was invited to Central America to visit an aftercare home, which was brought to their attention by a mutual friend and lawyer who is contracted there. She relayed to the team about the survivors who she had gotten to know and love and invited the group to come see for themselves.

“If people hear my story, then they will know the reality we face. I know this happens to more men, I still know men stuck in the system. I want my story out there so that people will know, people will be angry, and people will fight for change. Then, maybe someday, this will stop happening.”

When the identity of 7-year-old Sabrina was verified from an online child exploitation video, O.U.R. and law enforcement quickly made plans to arrest the traffickers and remove her from harm’s way.