6 Forms of Human Trafficking & Exploitation (and How OUR Fights to End Each One) | Our Rescue
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6 Forms of Human Trafficking & Exploitation (and How OUR Fights to End Each One)

Our Rescue
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Published on January 20, 2021
1 min read
  1. Child Sex Trafficking
  2. Online Exploitation (Online Enticement)
  3. Online Exploitation (Child Sexual Abuse Material)
  4. Forced Marriage
  5. Forced Labor
  6. Adult Sex Trafficking

1. child sex trafficking

  • Child sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 U.S. States. 1
  • The extent of family involvement in the trafficking of children is up to four times higher than in cases of adult trafficking 2
  • Child sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. 3
  • A higher percentage of identified children are trafficked for sexual exploitation than for forced labour. 4
  • Pimps and traffickers sexually exploit children through street prostitution, and in adult night clubs, illegal brothels, sex parties, motel rooms, hotel rooms, and other locations throughout the United States. 5
  • Psychological manipulation is the means of control used most by traffickers on children. 6
  • In CTDC data, just over half (53%) of all male victims trafficked into sexual exploitation are children. 7

2. online exploitation (online enticement)

  • In a recent NCMEC analysis of CyberTipline reports of online enticement, it was found that nearly all the children did not know the person they were communicating with online. 8
  • Sextortion: First contact is typically by phone via a social media friend request. Victims are targeted on platforms they frequent. 9

3. online exploitation (child sexual abuse material)

  • New technologies are facilitating live streaming of sexual abuse of children using web cameras or cellphones, often for profit
  • 78% of images and videos analyzed by cybertip.ca depict children under 12 years old. 10
  • In 2004, NCMEC reviewed 450,000 child sexual abuse files. In 2019, NCMEC reviewed 70 million child sexual abuse files. 11


4. forced marriage

  • At any given time in 2016, an estimated 15.4 million people were in forced marriage. 12

5. Forced labor

  • At any given time in 2016, an estimated 24.9 million people were in forced labour. 13
  • Children who are victims of labour exploitation are most commonly forced to beg, undertake domestic work or work in the hospitality sector. 14

6. adult sex trafficking

  • An estimated 4.8 million people are trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally. 15
  • Almost half of male victims were recruited by an acquaintance, whereas over a quarter of females were recruited by an intimate partner, and over a third by a family member or relative. 16
  1. NCMEC ↩︎
  2. CTDC ↩︎
  3. justice.gov ↩︎
  4. CTDC ↩︎
  5. justice.gov ↩︎
  6. CTDC ↩︎
  7. CTDC ↩︎
  8. NCMEC ↩︎
  9. Thorn ↩︎
  10. Cybertip.ca ↩︎
  11. NCMEC, found on thorn.org ↩︎
  12. ILO ↩︎
  13. ILO ↩︎
  14. CTDC ↩︎
  15. ILO ↩︎
  16. CTDC ↩︎