ESD K9 | Our Rescue
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ESD K9 Program

Our Rescue supports law enforcement across the country with tools and resources needed to effectively fight against sex trafficking and child exploitation. One of the ways Our Rescue empowers law enforcement is by providing Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) K9s.

If you are a law enforcement agency and would like to apply for an ESD K9, click the button below.

Apply For An ESD K9

Give $9 for the K9s

Every day, specially trained Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) K9s work alongside law enforcement to sniff out hidden evidence of child exploitation. These remarkable dogs use their powerful noses to detect electronic storage devices containing child sexual abuse material, helping bring predators to justice.

By giving just $9 a month, you provide ongoing support for our heroic K9s, including continuous training, essential gear, and long-term care. And you make it possible for additional K9s to join the fight.

Your monthly commitment makes a big impact in keeping our kids safe. Will you stand with us?
Your donations are tax deductible per your local regulations as Our Rescue is a tax-exempt 501c3 organization.

ESD K9 Locations

ESD K9s are Stationed all around the globe.

“Chewie has brought an entirely new dimension to the overall success of our team. He serves not only as a valuable search tool, but he has taken on the additional role of "comfort dog" on scenes where we encounter children. I can speak on behalf of my entire team and say, Chewie has been one of the best partners to work with.”
Joel Pabelico, Senior Investigator II
K9 "Chewie" - Riverside County District Attorney's Office
Bureau of Investigation-RCCET
“I was fortunate to be partnered with K9 Nala, an Electronic Storage Detection Dog, sponsored by Our Rescue and trained by Jordan Detection. Nala eagerly anticipates our work together each day. She has proven invaluable on numerous warrants, uncovering overlooked or hidden electronic storage items, constantly impressing me and bringing pride to our ICAC team.
Detective Gill
“K9 Nala” - Seattle Police Department

How do ESD K9s help law enforcement?

Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) K9s use their skills to help law enforcement find electronic storage devices like SD cards, external hard drives, and tablets during search warrants that could potentially contain child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Specifically, the dogs are trained to detect a chemical scent that is found in the glue of the devices.

Because these devices can be incredibly small, authorities may have a difficult time locating them. After they complete an initial search, ESD K9s then do a search of their own, helping to find key evidence that otherwise might not have been found.

Our Rescue Sponsorship

Our Rescue’s sponsorship covers the initial costs associated with the acquisition and training of the ESD K9s through Jordan Detection K9. We are grateful to provide and supplement resources to law enforcement that aid in building effective cases for successful prosecution of offenders of child sexual exploitation around the world.

Jordan Detection K9
We partner with Todd Jordan of Jordan Detection K9 to train Labrador Retrievers as ESD dogs. Todd Jordan, the owner, program developer, and chief trainer, has over 23 years of experience training K9s to assist in special investigations.
Specialized Training
Jordan Detection K9 trains the dogs to recognize the unique chemical scent of electronic storage devices to assist in the retrieval of evidence during child exploitation investigations. When small devices are routinely hidden and difficult to locate during search warrants, the K9s' abilities help investigators quickly identify and find evidence.
On-Site Support
These K9s have proven to be very effective in the field and have assisted officers in countless search warrants. In addition to this, many law enforcement agencies use them to serve as comfort dogs for survivors while on scene and during trials, and often they are used in neighboring counties for investigations.

K9s in the field

The dogs are each assigned to officers who specialize in combatting child sexual exploitation and abuse. We are eager to expand this great program.

In partnership with Todd Jordan of Jordan Detection K9, Our Rescue has:

ESD K9 Stats
sponsored ESD
K9s worldwide
U.S. States

Why Your Donation Matters

Our Rescue is a powerful step in the fight against this global crisis that demands collective action. Even a single donation can have a tangible impact. For example, a donation of $25 can provide school supplies for a survivor. Your support, no matter the amount, fuels the fight for freedom and helps bring hope to survivors around the world.
Your donations are tax deductible per your local regulations as Our Rescue is a tax-exempt 501c3 organization.

Latest ESD K9 Success Stories