Understanding Human Trafficking

Learn how survivor-centered approaches are transforming justice systems, with groundbreaking results in Tarrant County, Texas. As the conversation around human trafficking gains urgency in the public eye, a transformative shift puts survivor care at the center of the process, from the first intervention on the streets all the way to…

There is a lot of confusion about the realities of human trafficking and sex trafficking. Many people have unrealistic ideas about sex trafficking based on sensationalized movies, the media, or assumptions. Dispelling myths helps to raise awareness about the true nature of sex trafficking. If you want to help people…

Several factors make children and adolescents more susceptible to sex trafficking. Most traffickers know their victims, either through family, friends, or online connections. Traffickers often present themselves as a love interest or trusted mentor/parental figure—gaining the victim’s adoration, affection, and trust, before eventually exposing them to sex trafficking. Having…

While most of the world is focused on the game, law enforcement and organizations are focused on fighting human trafficking at the Super Bowl.

From high profile cities in the United States to remote locations around the world, human trafficking is a relatively silent epidemic that impacts communities everywhere.