11 Sex Trafficking Red Flags in Adults  | Our Rescue
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11 Sex Trafficking Red Flags in Adults 

Our Rescue
Posted by Our Rescue
Published on December 31, 2024
2 min read

There are many signs of sex trafficking. While not every warning sign means someone is being trafficked, each additional warning sign leads to a greater possibility that human trafficking is taking place. Remember, traffickers can be of any age or gender; they can be a relative, romantic partner, neighbor, acquaintance, or boss. 

If you believe sex trafficking is happening, report the information to the authorities. When reporting, provide as much detail as possible, including: 

  • What you saw or heard  
  • When it happened  
  • Where it occurred 
  • Why it’s suspicious 
  • Any other pertinent details (such as physical descriptions, behaviors, and any other relevant details) 

If you meet someone you suspect is being trafficked, ask if they’re ok. Offer help without asking for too many details and ensure they know you’re ready to help.  

Adults trapped in sex trafficking may: 

Our Rescue
  1. Have inconsistencies in their story.  
    The person may tell you conflicting information or sound confused. 
  1. Be unable to provide identification.  
    They may not have an ID, or someone (like an employer) is “holding” it for them.  
  1. Be unsure of their location. 
    They may be unable to clarify where they are staying or how to get there.  
  1. Avoid eye contact or allow someone to speak for her/him.  
    They may defer to another person before giving information. 
  1. Exhibit fear, paranoia, or anxiety.  
    They may avoid eye contact and be fearful of law enforcement/or government authorities.    
  1. Not be in control of his/her money or possessions.  
    Work is unpaid or they are paid very little (e.g., only through tips).  
  1. Be unable to leave their job.  
    May owe “debts” to their employer, fear the outside world, or have no place to go.  
  1. Have multiple medical visits/poor health.  
    May be treated for sexually transmitted infections, injuries, pregnancies, and drug dependencies. 
  1. Live with their employer.  
    Works for long hours “on demand.” May be referred to as a relative.   
  1. Have a history of drug use.  
    They may be addicted and be afraid of losing access to drugs that traffickers provide.  
  1. Have conversations that sound rehearsed.  
    A trafficked person may be forced to stick to a trafficker’s script.  

Remember, not all indicators will be present in every case, and the presence or absence of any single indicator is not definitive proof of trafficking. However, if you observe several of these signs, it is important to seek further assessment and report the situation. 

Learn more

Together, we can help eliminate sex trafficking. Join the Fight™ by taking the pledge today.

If you suspect sex trafficking, it is crucial to report it to the authorities. In the U.S., you can contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text “HELP” to 2337338. 

Published on December 31, 2024