It's Everywhere | Our Rescue
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It’s Everywhere

Aired Abr. 19, 24

“We know the statistics from the amazing organizations that specialize in researching those numbers. That’s how we know there are 25 million people trafficked worldwide. But we wouldn’t care if that number was even half a million. We know it’s out there. It’s everywhere. Everywhere we go, we see it happening and until we don’t see it anymore, we won’t stop trying to help.” – O.U.R. Founder, Tim Ballard

Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry (ILO).

Every country is affected by it (OHCHR).

The United States is one of the top producers of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) in the world (Thorn)

There is an increased demand of violent scenes featuring younger “actors) (NCOSE)

in 2021, 84,991, 735 files of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) were received by the National Center for Mission and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before age 18 (D2L)

Over a million children are being forced into sexual exploitation worldwide (ILO)

In the United Stated alone, all 50 states have reported child sex trafficking (NCMEC)

It’s Happening Everywhere. It needs to stop. Join us.

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