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Our Rescue Grant

Our Rescue is pleased to offer a competitive grant opportunity to U.S. based non-profit organizations whose mission aligns with Our Rescue’s commitment to empower exploited and trafficked survivors with trauma-informed care, or whose organization provides prevention, awareness, education, legal or policy advocacy in the fight against child sexual exploitation and human trafficking.


Premios de $5,000 hasta $50,000 se anunciarán al final del 2024 y se entregarán a principios del 2025 to organizations who have a record of accomplishment and possess the organizational capacity to execute their proposed project with clear metrics for success. Operating and capital requests will be considered if your organization can demonstrate how funding will create significant impact. Our Rescue will allow up to 15% overhead for programs and projects but no overhead for operating and capital requests. Organizations from anywhere in the U.S. are welcome to apply, but a portion of total funds will be reserved specifically for organizations and/or projects located in Minnesota and Texas.

Criterios de Elegibilidad:

  • La organización debe estar registrada como una organización sin fines de lucro 501c(3). Si la organización no tiene el estatus 501c(3), el beneficiario debe nombrar un patrocinador fiscal que pueda actuar como el responsable 501c(3).
  • The project must align with Our Rescue’s mission, priorities, and focus areas.
  • Los fondos de la subvención no se pueden usar para actividades políticas ni de lobby.
  • El proyecto o programa debe ocurrir dentro de los EE.UU.

The grant contains the condition of a “one-to-one match”, which means the Grantee must raise one dollar for every dollar awarded by Our Rescue. Federal funds cannot be used as matching funds for this grant. Eligible sources for matching funds include:

  • Fondos gubernamentales estatales y locales.
  • Donaciones privadas de individuos, corporaciones o fundaciones. Las donaciones deben ser específicamente recaudadas para este propósito.
  • Contribuciones en especie, como servicios de voluntariado, bienes donados, instalaciones o tiempo del personal pueden aplicar dentro del total de contrapartida. El valor de la contribución en especie se limita al 50% de lo requerido para igualar el monto.

Grantee must provide to Our Rescue proof of having raised the matching funds. Our Rescue will not distribute grant funds until such proof is received, after which Our Rescue will forward to the Grantee a check for Our Rescue’s matching grant. Our standards for proof are flexible: proof may consist of letters showing evidence of pledges, letters showing approval of grants from other sources, or even an internal financial statement showing funds received and the dates they were received. Proof of having raised the matching funds must be submitted within one year of award notification or the grant will be rescinded. Los alentamos a enviar, junto con su solicitud de subvención, cartas de intención u otra documentación de cualquier fondo de contrapartida obtenido o aprobado.

Spending of award must occur within 12 months after receipt of funds unless otherwise approved by Our Rescue. Grants of over $25,000 will be paid in two milestone payments, with reporting required before the second disbursement of funds. All awardees will be expected to provide a report on outcomes at the end of the grant term. Grant evaluation forms will be provided by Our Rescue.

Fecha límite de postulación: 1-nov-2024

children with Hidu the dog.

Cómo Aplicar

Por favor completa el formulario ubicado en nuestra página web para crear una cuenta. Cuando tu cuenta sea aprobada, recibirás un enlace para iniciar sesión en tu portal de subvención, donde podrás encontrar y completar la solicitud.

Para preguntas sobre cómo completar el formulario o la solicitud, contacta a Sophie Binns en
[email protected]


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